Far Cry 6: DLC 3 - The Vanishing
EMPLOYER: Ubisoft Toronto
POSITION: Senior Level Designer
This mission is in collaboration with Netflix's "Stranger Things". This mission sees the player investigating disappearances in a destroyed village. This mystery leads them to a mental connection with a character named "Shest" who leads them to a secret underground bunker. There the player learns of Russian experiments in Yara, a missing dog, another dimension, and familiar deadly monsters. This mission was a large free update and features a variety of gameplay. I owned the majority of this missions design and setup, until around half way through it's production when I requested additional support to help finish some of the sections.
Designed this mission from the ground up with it's lead writer.
Created mission design docs which included writeups and paint-overs to sell the idea of this mission to leads and directors.
Created top down pen and paper plans for mission flow, encounter planning and narrative elements.
Designed the open world mission spaces by shaping the terrain and placing envionmental assets.
Tweaked existing open world locations to support our horror gameplay and encounters.
Worked with narrative on story elements.
Integrated mission scripting (conversations, objectives, combat encounters, ai, spawning, cleanups, music triggers, dialogue triggers, phone calls, animations, VFX, SFX, jump scares, custom enemy ai, timers, interacts, scripted events, animated meshes)
Took the mission from whitebox to shipping quality.
Fully designed the underground bunker layout.
Managed mission layers and the loading and unloading of mission specific assets.
Scripted mission boundaries in the open world with custom out of bounds visuals.
Setup the large scale monster in the sky and scripted it's various behaviours throughout the mission.
Setup ai paths, animation stations, scripted behaviours, barks, and reinforcements.
Scripted a high intensity chase sequence featuring the demogorgon monster with a custom ai script that allowed for jump scare moments as well as permanent stalking behaviour and teleportation.
Scripted wave based combat.